1. There is no pond which the sun cannot dry up (Kenya)
2. "Though I am not edible," says the vulture, "yet I nurse my eggs in the branches of a high tree because man is hard to be trusted" (Ghana)
3. To avoid fraud (or since God does not like wickedness), God gave every creature a name (Ghana)
4. To borrow is to spoil friendship (East Africa)
5. To eat much leaves you with a swollen belly (Kenya)
6. To stir (the water in) the pond brings up the mud (S. Africa-Azania)
7. Two friends share the white ant (Uganda)
8. Two male hippos do not stay in the same pond (S. Africa-Azania)
9. We are born from the womb of our mother; we are buried in the womb of the earth (Ethiopia)
10. We do not see God, we only see His works (Ethiopi
11. Wealth is dew (S. Africa-Azania)
12. What God puts in store for someone (or preserves for the poor) never goes rotten (East Africa)
13. When a sweet potato has been thrown into the ash-heap it becomes uneatable (S. Africa-Azania)
14. When the chief limps, all his subjects limp also (S. Africa -Azania)
15. Whenever a person breaks a stick in the forest, let him consider what it would be like, if it were himself that was thus broken (Nigeria)
16. Whoever comes last drinks muddy water (Kenya, Uganda)
17. Wives and oxen have no friends (Kenya)
18. Yam is sweet, but one should eat it in the normal way, lest swallowing chokes him (Ghana)
19. You can trust neither the rainy season sky nor babies' bottoms (Ethiopia)
20. You do not become a chief simply by sitting on a big stool (Ghana)
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