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1. He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world (Kenya)
2. Hearts cannot be lent (S. Africa-Azania)
3. Heaven never dies, only men do (S. Africa-Azania)
4. Houses built close together burn together (S. Africa-Azania)
5. However kind a man is, he would never give his wife as a gift to friends (Ghana)
6. Hunger does not know an elder (or a king) (Uganda)
7. If God dishes you rice ina basket, do not wish to eat soup! (Sierra Leone)
8. If God gives you a cup of wine and an evil-minded person kicks it over, He fills it up for you again (Ghana)
9. If the calf sucks too greedily, it tears away the mother's udder (Kenya)
10. If you do not spare a day to fix a door to your room, you will waste three years searching for your money (in the room) but you will never find it (Ghana)
11. If you want to speak to God, tell it to the wind (Ghana)
12. In a community of beggars, stealing and not begging, is considered a crime (Ghana)
13. It is better to be married to an old woman than to remain unmarried (Tanzania)
14. It is not difficult to hurt, but it is difficult to repair (S. Africa-Azania)
15. It is the truthful that the divinities support (Nigeria)
16. It will not hurt if your lover steps on you (Tanzania)
17. Life is when you are together, alone you are an animal (West Africa)
18. Little by little fills up the bowl (Kenya)
19. Marriage roasts (hardens) (S. Africa-Azania)
20. Much roaming about deprived the male rat of its fat (Ghana)


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